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Cascade Funding

Join us in shaping the future of European small forest holdings

€1 Million of financial support for Sustainable Small Forest Holdings in Europe

The SMURF project launches an exciting cascade funding initiative to revolutionize small forest holdings across Europe, with a total funding of 1 Million euros. With grants ranging from €12,000 to €60,000, we’re investing in the future of European forestry through a lump sum method. 

We’re seeking innovative ideas that blend profitability with sustainability, embracing close-to-nature silviculture and new business models. Whether you’re exploring carbon credits, ecosystem services, or groundbreaking management techniques, we want to hear from you.

Be part of this transformative journey – your vision could be the key to unlocking the potential of our continent’s woodlands.

What is the SMURF's cascade funding?

SMURF’s cascade funding is a financial initiative offering grants between €12,000 and €60,000 to support innovative projects aimed at enhancing the sustainability and profitability of small forest holdings across Europe.

To whom is the cascade funding of the SMURF project directed?

The funding is directed towards national, regional, and local entities representing various types of forest owners and holdings, including family-owned, collective, and municipal forests. It is not open to individual forest holdings, consultancies, or enterprises.

What types of activities are meant to be funded?

Activities funded by the grants will involve the following; conducting surveys and interviews to characterize associations, forest owners and holdings, legal regime and support systems, participation in conferences and networking, attending workshops and trainings organized in the framework of the project and communicate and disseminate activities and results from SMURF project to your associates.

How can my association apply?

Detailed information on the application process will be available in September 2024, when the call opens. To stay informed, interested parties can email, visit the project website, subscribe to the newsletter, or follow SMURF’s social media channels.

Cascade funding information, processes and events

16 September 2024

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